
For the many sharks and rays that are fished by several countries, the international actions by Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) have the potential to swiftly safeguard species throughout their ranges. The sharks and rays of the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea are particularly beleaguered. International and domestic fisheries management improvements are urgently needed to protect these vulnerable species from overfishing and finning. Specifically, our coalition is aiming to secure through RFMOs and follow-up national actions:

  • Shark and ray catch limits that align with scientific advice,
  • Strict protections for endangered species, and
  • Strong, enforceable bans on shark finning.

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Early morning @HouseofCommons! Great to have company from #SharkLeague partners @SharkAdvocates @EcologyAction for the 3rd reading of the #Shark Fins Bill sponsored by @Rees4Neath MP. #Finsattached

L’#Iccat adopte de nouvelles mesures pour le #requintaupebleu en #AtlantiqueSud #mako @EU_MARE #SharkLeague https://t.co/s3c8oBrczo via @_lemarin

#SharkLeague press release: Adoptada la primera cuota internacional relativa al tiburón marrajo. Los responsables de las pesquerías acuerdan salvaguardas pioneras para la población del Atlántico Sur incluida en la @CITES: https://t.co/AOcPoz1rbS

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Fast Facts

Click / Tap on a shark or ray for a fast fact.
The shortfin mako is the world's fastest shark, with bursts of speed estimated at upwards of 30mph.
Spain is the global leader in landings of blue shark, the world's most heavily fished shark*.
Giant devil rays usually give birth to just one pup every two to three years.
Scientists estimate that the greenland shark can live 400 years.
Guitarfish are rays, but their fins are exceptionally valuable for shark fin soup.
Angel sharks are ambush hunters that lie buried in the sand and then burst from cover, protruding their jaws to engulf prey within a fraction of a second.
* (~69,000 tons in 2014, according to FAO)


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